Sunday, February 08, 2009

Irresponsible and Reprehensible

The story from MSNBC is about a doctor who performed an abortion on an 18 year old client at 23 weeks. The fetus emerged alive. The clinic's owner cut the cord and placed the newborn and the afterbirth in a garbage bag. Read the story first and then the Curmudgeon's Comment.

The Crusty Curmudgeon sez: Once the fetus was born alive, it was the responsibility of the clinic staff to immediately get medical care for it. Also, it was irresponsible of these doctors to do an abortion at this stage of pregnancy unless there was a compelling medical reason. My belief is that abortion should be available on demand after counseling about all options and possible effects both physical and psychological during the first trimester. After the first trimester, it should be available only if there is a viable medical reason for doing so.

It was reprehensible of the clinic staff to agree to do an abortion so far along without sound medical reason in the first place. It was diabolical of them to not get immediate emergency medical care for the live infant. They should all be stripped of their licenses and jailed immediately.