Monday, January 22, 2007

Glucophage and PCOS

I have just started taking glucophage, not for diabetes but to combat the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is a last-ditch effort to try and help me lose weight. I have cut back on chowing down, doing things that most people would have responded to such as no longer snacking on candy from the vending machine at night and watching how many calories I consume at meals. I do exercise, not anything over the top but yoga three times a week, walking at least an hour a day plus extra walking on the treadmill twice a week. I wouldn't expect to be skinny because I do like to eat and sometimes I don't eat as well as I should, but I also wouldn't expect to weigh 240 pounds.
Stubborn weight gain is but one of the joys of PCOS. Many women who suffer from this condition have irregular periods. I have regular periods but they are extremely heavy. I have very thick hair on my head, which I'm glad of because some women who suffer from PCOS start losing their hair due to elevated androgen levels. However, I also have extremely thick hair on my arms and legs. I have to shave my arms as well as my legs and the hair is so thick that I go through a razor every time I shave, if I let the hair grow at all. The hair is extremely dark. Not very becoming, to say the least. I also have some trouble with facial hair growth but fortunately it is easily controlled with one of those small ladies' razors (Finishing Touch) and doesn't grow back as quickly as a man's beard would. My mother told me about one of my great aunts who had to shave daily or she would grow a beard like a man. I'm sure this poor woman must have had PCOS. My great grandmother was five feet tall and weighed 300 pounds. I'm 5'5" tall and currently weigh 240. I don't want to follow in her footsteps.
My mother has PCOS, as does my aunt. It does run in families.
I did have trouble with infertility and for all I know I still might if I tried to conceive a child again. My (now ex) husband and I were together for six years and never used any kind of birth control before my son was conceived. Interestingly enough, we had been planning to try adopting. My son was a surprise for us.
Ladies, if you are trying to conceive a child and having trouble, and if you are also experiencing any of the above symptoms, have your doctor check you out for PCOS.
Read this informative Article from
I hope that the glucophage therapy works for me. So far the only side effects I've experienced were a very mild headache within ten minutes of taking it that went away on its own, and mild dry mouth. I would be thrilled if my weight loss efforts finally started working. I have been frustrated by a weight gain of 5-10 pounds every year and as I currently need to lose 90 pounds to get to a weight I find acceptable, I certainly don't need to gain more!
Keeping my fingers crossed...


Amanda said...

Keeping fingers and toes crossed. Let us know how it works out. My best friend has PCOS but her gyn seems to be the biggest ignoramus of the country. No, she doesn't know why my friend can't lose weight. Yes the hair, can't do anything about that. She assured her PCOS won't stop my friend from conceiving.

Oh yeah? So why is my friend off contraceptives for more than a year now and still hasn't gotten pregnant. Hmmm??

Cie Cheesemeister said...

I think a lot of physicians are still ignorant about PCOS, but a shocking number of them seem to be ignorant in general. My father's cardiologist wanted to put him on Warfarin, a blood thinner, for a mild atrial fibrillation, even though the man had a hemorrhagic stroke in 2004. Hemorrhagic=BLEEDING. Blood thinners induce bleeding. Hello IDIOT!
Speaking of idiots, the stupid lab let my blood sit too long and now I have to get it re-drawn. What do we pay these morons for??

Amanda said...

Most docs are scary, even if one doesn't have major trust issues. The only one I sort of trust, trained behind the Iron Curtain some 40 years ago. I try not to think about what will happen when he gets pensioned...

Cie Cheesemeister said...

My current doctor is a holistic physician. I just started seeing him but I have a good feeling about him.

Anonymous said...

I was infertile until I got pregnant

Cie Cheesemeister said...

Me too, Lammy.

tsduff said...

You have an extremely interesting site here. Wish I had more time at this very moment to continue browsing... very good information.

Cie Cheesemeister said...

Thanks Terry! Wish I had more time to work on it too!

Hobbes said...

Good luck. Fat also runs in my family, but not cysts, thankfully. I hope the glucophage works.

Hobbes said...

Just wanted to tell you that the kids were really fascinated by that skin repair link you put up in July.